Professional Growth and Development
- EDUCAUSE Online Conference:November 2024.
Virtually attended the EDUCAUSE 2024 Online conference to gain insights into the influence of artificial intelligence on present
and possible futures of educational practice.
- Northwest Regional Mathematics Conference: April 2024.
Attended the Northwest Regional Mathematics Conference which is a joint conference involving the AMATYC chapters of Oregon and Washington.
Learned about simulation-based inference techniques for introductory statistics courses and have implemented them in a
statistical software suite designed for student use.
- ORMATYC Conference: 2019, 2022, 2023.
Attended over multiple years the ORegon Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges (ORMATYC) Conference.
- Pacific Northwest Great Teaching Seminar: June 16-20, 2019. Attended the Pacific Northwest Great Teaching Seminar: a multidisciplinary and highly interactive experience
where educators share their innovations, and ideas for solutions to difficult problems encountered in the community college classroom.
$CMC^3$ Recreational Mathematics Conference: April 27th and 28th, 2018.
Attended the California Mathematics Council of Community Colleges Recreational
Mathematics Conference held at Lake Tahoe Community College.
- Active Learning Conference: January 12th, 2018.
Attended a multidisciplinary Active Learning Conference hosted by Merced College.
Education Courses
- Quality Matters Certificate December 2023.
Earned the QM certificate: Teaching Online-An Introduction to Online
Delivery (TOL). Took this course as a refresher and to keep up with online learning resources.
- Online Course Development: (EDUC 50) Columbia College, Spring 2018.
Took this course to gain facility with online learning resources and to prepare for teaching and developing online
courses when needed by the department.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Finding Permutiples of a Known Base and Multiplier, INTEGERS Electronic Journal
of Combinatorial Number Theory 25, #A13, 2025. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14907289
- A Method for Finding All Permutiples with a Fixed Set of Digits from a Single Known Example, INTEGERS Electronic Journal
of Combinatorial Number Theory 24, #A88, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13909168
- On Permutiples Having a Fixed Set of Digits, INTEGERS Electronic Journal
of Combinatorial Number Theory 17, #A20, 2017. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10636163
- Derived Palintiple Families and Their Palinomials, INTEGERS Electronic Journal
of Combinatorial Number Theory 16, #A27, 2016. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10478340
- Some General Results and Open Questions on Palintiple Numbers, INTEGERS
Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 14, #A42, 2014. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10452425
- Deriving Divisibility Theorems with Burnside’s Theorem (with Tyler J. Evans),
INTEGERS Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 5(1), #A26, 2005. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7727079
Other Works
- Digit Preserving Multiplication in Continued Fraction Representations, arXiv:1702.04760.
- Some Thoughts on Determining Symmetric Palintiples, arXiv:1410.2356, 2015.
- A Hybrid Cellular Automaton Model of Smoldering in Forest Floor Duff,
Unpublished Paper with Elizabeth A. Burroughs, J. Morgan Varner III, and Christopher J. Dugaw, 2009.
- A Stochastic Spatial Model for the Consumption of Organic Forest Soils in a Smoldering Ground Fire (Master's Thesis),
Humboldt State University, 2008.
- Group Actions in Number Theory, (with Tyler J. Evans) arXiv:math/0508396, 2005.