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The Holt.Blue Statistical Software Suite

Dear User: While many statistical software packages charge a goodly sum for a license to use their software, Holt.Blue brings you simple, easy-to-use online statistical software at no charge. Choose the statistical procedure you'd like to perform from the links below.

Descriptive Statistics

One Variable Descriptive Statistics Calculator (with Histogram and Box Plot)

Multi-Sample Descriptive Statistics Calculator (with Histograms and Box Plots)

Scatter Plot Maker (with Groups)

Bar Chart Maker

Pie Chart Maker
Inference for Population Means
One-Sample $z$ Confidence Interval
One-Sample $z$ Hypothesis Test
One-Sample $t$ Confidence Interval
One-Sample $t$ Hypothesis Test

Two-Sample $t$ Confidence Interval
Two-Sample $t$ Hypothesis Test

Tukey Pairwise Multiple Comparisons

Two-Way ANOVA (Balanced Design)

Inference for Proportion and Count Data

One-Sample $z$ Confidence Interval for a Proportion
One-Sample $z$ Hypothesis Test for a Proportion
Sample Size Calculator for Desired Margin of Error (for Proportion)
Confidence Interval Comparing Two Proportions

Hypothesis Test Comparing Two Proportions

Chi-Square Test for Two-Way Tables

Chi-Square Goodness-Of-Fit Test

Simple Linear Regression Calculator with Scatter Plot and Inference
Multiple Linear Regression Calculator
Logistic Regression Calculator (Single and Multiple)
Polynomial Regression Calculator with Scatter Plot
Exponential Regression Calculator with Scatter Plot
Logarithmic Regression Calculator with Scatter Plot
Sinusoidal Regression Calculator with Scatter Plot
Classical Non-Parametric Inference Procedures

Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (1 sample or matched pairs)

Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (2 independent samples)

Kruskal-Wallis Test (any number of independent samples)

Confidence Intervals for a Population Median

Simulation-Based Non-Parametric Inference

Single-Parameter Bootstrap Confidence Interval Calculator

Single-Parameter Bootstrap Test of Significance

Bootstrap Interval for the Difference of Two Population Parameters

Bootstrap Test for the Difference of Two Population Parameters

Normal Distributions

Standard Normal Probability Calculator

Standard Normal Critical-Value $z^*$ Calculator

Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient (PPCC) Test of Normality

Normal Random Variable Simulator

Other Probability Distributions

Binomial Probability Calculator

Hypergeometric Probability Calculator

Poisson Probability Calculator

$t$ Distribution Probability Calculator

$t$ Distribution Critical-Value $t^*$ Calculator