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Section 5.1: The Product and Power Rules for Exponents Worksheet 5.1

Recall: An exponent counts how many times a number is multiplied by itself.


Example: $2^3=2 \cdot 2 \cdot 2 =8$

Example: $x^3=x \cdot x \cdot x$

The Product Rule: $x^m \cdot x^n=x^{m+n}$

If we have $m$ factors of $x$ and $n$ factors of $x$, how many total factors of $x$ do we have?

Example: Simplify the expression $x^{2}\cdot x^{4}$

Example: Simplify the expression $x^{21}\cdot x^{14}$

Example: Simplify the expression $-2x^{3}\cdot 3x^{9} \cdot (-3)x^{2}$

The Product Rule: $x^m \cdot x^n=x^{m+n}$

Example (a not-so-simple base): Simplify the expression $$(-y+z)^{3}\cdot (-y+z)^{4}$$

The Power Rule: $(x^m)^n=x^{m \cdot n}$

Example: Simplify the expression $(x^{2})^{4}$

Example: Simplify the expression $(x^{21})^{14}$

Example: Simplify the expression $(-x^{2})^4$

Example: Simplify the expression $-(x^{2})^4$

Powers of Products and Quotients

Power of a Product: $(xy)^n=x^n y^n$

Example: Simplify $(xy)^3$

Power of a Quotient: $\left(\frac{x}{y}\right)^n=\frac{x^n}{y^n}$

Example: Simplify $\left(\frac{x}{y}\right)^3$

Mixing it Up: Using Multiple Rules Simultaneously

The Product Rule: $x^m \cdot x^n=x^{m+n}$
The Power Rule: $(x^m)^n=x^{m \cdot n}$
Power of a Product: $(xy)^n=x^n y^n$
Power of a Quotient: $\left(\frac{x}{y}\right)^n=\frac{x^n}{y^n}$

Simplify the following expressions.

$(r^4 \cdot r^6)^{2}$

$(-3t^4 \cdot \gamma^5)^{2}$
