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Recipe Size and Cost Conversion Project

Scaling Up Production

For this project, you are going to take a recipe of your choice and scale it up to an event which requires that you make 211 portions.

1) You will first scale your recipe up by calculating the $RCF$ and then multiplying the ingredient quantities by this value.

2) By using the information in a correctly and completely filled-out Food Cost Form you will determine the cost to make the scaled-up recipe.

Your Paper Must Include the Following:
  1. A title page whose title includes the name of the recipe you decided to scale up. For example, "A Recipe Size Conversion and Cost Analysis for a Recipe of Asparagus in Toasted Almond Sliver Sauce". If you want to get more creative, feel free. You might want to check with me first though. The title page should also include (below your title) the standard items too: the name of the author (i.e. your name), the date the project was turned in (see the syllabus schedule), the name of our course (MTH 81).

  2. Introduction: an introduction which describes the project itself to a reader with no knowledge of the project. Here, although it is not not required, you might tell the reader about why you chose the recipe and any personal significance it has for you.

  3. Recipe Size Conversion Calculation: Using techniques from Chapter 14, you will scale up the recipe to serve 211 people by computing the $RCF$ and using it to perform the conversion. Here you will use your correctly and completely filled-out Food Cost Form.

  4. Recipe Cost Calculation: Using the information from your correctly and completely filled-out Food Cost Form, you will determine the cost of making the recipe for 211 people.

  5. Conclusions: Finally, you will write a conclusion which summarizes your work, and what you learned in the process. You might also include what you might do differently if you were to do this again, and any recommendations for anyone wishing to perform a recipe size conversion/cost analysis.

  6. References: Any references you used should be included in the reference section. This will most certainly include our course textbook. All references should be properly cited. You may use either the MLA or APA guidelines.

  7. Appendix: A Copy of Your Filled-Out Food Cost Form For the reader's reference, you will attach a photocopy of the correctly and completely filled-out Food Cost Form as the last page of your paper.

File Format Note for Online Sections: Your paper should be attached to an email in PDF format. Please do not send power points, word documents, links to google docs, etc.

Writing and Mathematical Notation:

1) I expect that you will use proper grammar, syntax, and spelling throughout your write-up. Moreover, all mathematical notation must be used correctly. 2) To understand how the project will be graded, see the Project Rubric.

If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to see me; I will help you. I will also provide any suggestions or feedback necessary for you to complete your project with confidence.